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Orthodox Life: A publication of St Vasilios Church
Archives of the St. Vasilios publication Orthodox Life.

Parish Ministries Booklet
Information about various ministries at St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church

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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it - Proverbs 22:6

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Parish News

Saturday, February 8th - PIZZA & VALENTINES

Weekly Worship Guide - Triodion Begins - Sunday, February 9, 2025

Tuesday, February 11th Kalee Parea ‘Get Together’

Saturday, March 1st - Greek School Apokriatiko Glendi
Reach out to PAC Co-Chairs Christine Hasiotis Martins and Spero C Venios or Construction and Renovation Co-Chairs Christopher Vlachos and Michael S Zolotas here: Any member of the team would love to answer your questions and give you a tour of the exciting changes in progress!
Welcome to our Christ-Centered - Parish
Service of Proskomide
Since the early Church, the Office of Oblation (Proskomide) has been a service of offering gifts to God in preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion in the Divine Liturgy. The congregation gives the names of the living and dead for whom they want the priest to pray. Please present the name(s) to be commemorated to the sexton in the narthex at the beginning of the Orthros Service.
Artoklasia, which means “breaking of bread” is a special prayer service offered by an individual or family typically on a Feast day or special family occasion. The service takes place at the end of the Divine Liturgy or at Great Vespers. The five loaves are reminiscent of the five loaves that Jesus Christ blessed in the desert and by which five thousand of His followers were fed. Please call the church office at 978-531-0777 to schedule an Artoklasia.
Kollyva is an offering of boiled wheat that is blessed liturgically in connection with the Memorial Services in Church for the benefit of one's departed, as (40-day Kollyva is traditionally most important) A TRISAGION is also a brief memorial service read in church or at a gravesite (without Kollyva). Please call the church office at 978-531-0777 in advance to schedule a Memorial Service.
Kollyva Available for Mercy Meal
The office has been asked many times by parishioners who would like to have Kollyva for the Mercy Meal after the funeral.If you would like to order Kollyva a parishioner has stepped forward and is willy to accommodate parishioners.If you are interested call Niki at 978-578-7292
Online Chapel

Friday of the 16th Week
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.
Recent Videos

The Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple

Sunday Before Epiphany - January 5, 2025

14th Sunday of Luke - December 1, 2024
Fifth Sunday of Luke