Ministries Introduction

"For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, You shall love your neighbor as yourself." - Galatians 5:14

We consider it an important obligation of our parish to reach out to the wider community and to offer service to those who are not a part of our fellowship. In doing so, we fulfill the commandment of Christ to love our neighbor as ourself, we witness to our faith as it is expressed in the ancient traditions of Orthodoxy, and we make our presence known to those who may have no faith or church affiliation.

St. Vasilios Church seeks to provide the greatest measure of community service possible. It does this through the priests of the parish who offer service on many municipal boards, community and service organizations, and professional groups.

In addition, the church provides direct material support to The Haven from Hunger, our local soup kitchen and food pantry program, to On the Threshold, a program that provides assistance to those who are in danger of becoming homeless, to The Inn-Between, a shelter providing transitional housing to homeless families, to The Plummer School for Boys, a residential program for boys without families, and to The Harborlight Shelter for the homeless.

On the diocesan level, we are also proud to be supporters of Philoxenia House. This home is the result of the inspiration of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, who envisioned a ministry of hospitality and spiritual support for those who bring loved ones or come themselves to Boston for medical treatment. Our parish provides all of the sheets and towels needed to ensure the comfort and care of its guests, who arrive not only from all over the United States, but from distant parts of the world as well.

Our parish is always prepared to enlarge upon its community service activities. Suggestions submitted to our parish priests for their consideration are always welcomed.

Ministry Resources
View our weekly Weekly Sunday Bulletin here. Learn more »
Archives of the St. Vasilios monthly bulletin Orthodox Life. Learn more »
Information about various ministries at St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church Learn more »
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Upcoming Events


Upcoming Weekday Services Schedule

Sunday Worship Services (live streaming on 1st Sunday of the month only)

Orthros at 8:00 am

Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am

Memorial Service follows the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy
